Energy-balls testimonial from Marie

Reading Energy-balls testimonial from Marie 3 minutes

"From a nutritional point of view, Nüttree Energy-Balls are suitable for everyone:

To athletes:
These Energy-Balls are perfect to accompany sports practice!
In fact, these provide:

- Proteins that our muscles need to function and grow. By consuming an Energy Ball after physical exercise we promote the protein regeneration of our muscles.

- Carbohydrates allow our body to have energy and function properly. By consuming an Energy Ball before exercise we give our body the means to nourish all the organs correctly.

- The fatty acids that our body needs during intense physical effort. Indeed, during high-intensity physical activity, the substrate consumed by the body will no longer be glucose but rather these fatty acids, it is therefore important to have sufficient reserves.

For gourmets:
These snacks are an alternative to industrial and ultra-processed snacks, in fact they are minimally processed products, we notice this thanks to their very short list of ingredients and the absence of additives or unnatural ingredients.

In addition, these contain all the macro and micro-nutrients namely: proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins and minerals. In particular, they provide a supply of essential amino acids which are not synthesized naturally by the body but are nevertheless essential for making proteins.

These products also have beneficial effects on well-being: improve intestinal transit (fibers), fight against oxidative stress (antioxidants), promote the structural regeneration of skin, hair, muscles, etc. (proteins).

I therefore recommend these Energy-Balls to all people who are looking for products that are interesting from a nutritional, health but also taste point of view!
It is still necessary to moderate your consumption when you have a sedentary lifestyle, in fact, these are products which are energetic and therefore caloric.

Which ones, for whom?

  • For athletes, I recommend the most energetic and protein-rich Energy Balls: Apricot-Espelette Pepper and Apple-Cinnamon .

  • For those looking for health benefits, I recommend: Matcha-Goji and Fig-Chia composed of superfoods allowing you to stock up on vitamins and minerals and fight against various pathologies.

  • For less active gourmands, I recommend the lowest calorie: Fig-Chia with less than 60 kilocalories per unit.

  • And for the taste I recommend the Apple-Cinnamon which simply reminds us of the good taste of a homemade apple pie!”