Le cumlin bio - ses bienfaits

Le cumin Bio

Le cumin (Cuminum cyminum) est une épice ancienne, largement utilisée dans de nombreuses cuisines du monde.   D'où vient-il ?  Le cumin est originaire de la région méditerranéenne orientale, en par...
la noix bio - ses bienfaits

Les noix Bio

Que tu les croques nature, en collation, ou que tu les intègres dans tes recettes préférées, les noix sont un véritable allié pour ton bien-être. Découvrons ensemble pourquoi tu devrais les inclure...
Les bienfaits du gingembre bio

Le gingembre Bio

Le gingembre (Zingiber officinale) est une épice populaire utilisée à la fois pour ses qualités culinaires et médicinales.    D'où vient-il ? Le gingembre est originaire des régions tropicales d'As...
SÉSAME BIO - Les bienfaits

Les graines de sésame Bio

Ces petites graines, souvent sous-estimées, sont de véritables bombes nutritionnelles. Allez, plongeons ensemble dans l'univers des graines de sésame et découvrons pourquoi tu devrais les intégrer...
Les flocons d'avoine Bio

Organic oat flakes

Why do all our energy balls contain oatmeal? Where do they come from ? Oats come from the grass family and are native to Asia. At the time, this cereal was cultivated exclusively for animal ...
cacao bio

Organic cocoa

Cocoa: Good for morale but not only that! Cocoa is rich in antioxidant compounds that help fight depression, protect the cardiovascular system and fight against cellular aging! But it is als...
La Cannelle Bio

Organic Cinnamon

Cinnamon: unsuspected benefits! Where is she from ? Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and comes from the inner bark of a tree of the Cinnamomum genus. The most virtuous species in nutritional ...
Les graines de Tournesol Bio

Organic Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds: discover their many benefits! Where do they come from? The sunflower seeds that we use in our recipes are harvested in Bulgaria then shelled in France. Their Latin name is H...
Les Cacahuètes Bio

Organic Peanuts

 PEANUTS: DISCOVER ITS HEALTH SECRETS!  Where is she from ? Peanuts come from peanut seeds which grow into small plants measuring 45 centimeters with oval-shaped leaves. Peanuts are grown in ...
pommes séchées bio

Organic dried apples

Dried apples: a fun and healthy food! Where do they come from? The dried apples that we use in our recipes are of the Golden variety and come from Turkey. They were grown in compliance with ...
Les Noix de cajou Bio

Organic cashew nuts

Cashew: A great ally! Cashew is a nut from a tree called Anacardiumouest that originally comes from Brazil but can now be found in other parts of the world, including India, a country that became t...
Les graines de lin Bio, superaliments

Organic flax seeds

Brown flax seed, a superfood! Rich in good fatty acids and fiber, flax seeds are essential for staying healthy. Their action is broad: immunity, diabetes, cholesterol... it is better to have it in ...
Les Cranberries Bio

Organic Cranberries

Organic cranberries: benefits for everyone! Learn more about their origin and benefits in this blog.
La Noix de Coco Bio

Organic Coconut

Coconut is full of benefits and that is why we have selected it for 3 of our healthy and natural Energy-Balls recipes! Good for immunity, for digestion, to fight against the onset of chronic illnes...
Les Noisettes Bio

Organic Hazelnuts

Eating Hazelnuts is good for your health! Rich in minerals, good fatty acids and high in energy, hazelnuts help fight fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, oxidative stress and are ideal for physical a...
Encas gourmand figue

Organic Figs

Organic dried figs are ideal for athletes but also suitable for occasional snacks thanks to their high energy potential and their benefits for the body.
Le Thé Matcha Bio

Organic Matcha Tea

Matcha tea is a superfood that can do good for your body through an anti-oxidant, detoxifying and stimulating action.
Les Baies de Goji Bio

Organic Goji Berries

The Goji berry is an ultra-complete superfood in proteins, trace elements, vitamins and essential amino acids.
Le Piment d'Espelette Bio

Organic Espelette pepper

Espelette pepper is an ingredient that will awaken your taste buds and be good for your health.
Les Abricots Secs Bio

Organic Dried Apricots

Dried apricots are perfect for physical exertion thanks to their high energy intake and their benefits for your health.
Les Graines de Chia Bio

Organic Chia Seeds

Chia seed is a superfood that is full of benefits thanks to a high concentration of proteins, the presence of antioxidants, minerals and good amino acids.
Les Dattes Bio

Organic Dates

The Deglet Nour Dates that we use are allies for your health thanks to their nutritional richness: rich in energy, vitamins, fiber and minerals. It is also one of the most popular varieties in E...
Les Amandes Bio

Organic Almonds

Almonds are nuts that provide you with numerous health benefits through a significant contribution of proteins but also of fiber, minerals and good fatty acids.