Les macro-nutriments chez les sportifs

Les macro-nutriments chez les sportifs

Dans le domaine de la nutrition sportive, les macronutriments jouent un rôle très important. Composés de protéines, de glucides et de lipides, ils fournissent l'énergie et les éléments essentiels a...
Alimentation et allaitement tout comprendre !

Food and breastfeeding understand everything!

During pregnancy, a woman's diet must be adapted for 2 reasons: 1. Help your child’s good development 2. Have the most nourishing milk possible The mother-to-be's diet has an impact which ...
Des super-aliments dans toutes nos recettes !

Superfoods in all our recipes!

At Nüttree “eating better” is our priority! It is essential to eat well to take care of your health and feel in good shape. So know that you can find a superfood in each of our Energy-Balls recipes...
Les protéines végétales, quels intérêts pour notre santé ?

What are the benefits of plant proteins for our health?

Today, more than ever, we are wondering about plant-based eating . Indeed, this type of diet is a significant lever for action against global warming. Remember that animal farming is responsible...
Les clés pour éprouver une satiété saine et durable

Les clés pour éprouver une satiété saine et durable

La sensation de satiété joue un rôle crucial dans la gestion du poids et le maintien d'un mode de vie sain. Adopter des habitudes alimentaires qui favorisent cette sensation peut contribuer à évite...
glycémie insuline

Blood sugar, insulin, what mechanisms behind diabetes?

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes As you probably know, there are different types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a rather rare disease that begins at a young age and is caused by...
Tout comprendre sur le sucre

Sugars, understand everything to choose your snacks wisely!

Because the world of sugars is very complex, it is important to be informed about it in order to make the right choices for our snacks! On the program for this blog, an overview on slow, fast, s...
Encas sain encas énergétique au bureau

An energetic snack at the office

To keep up the pace in the middle of the day, there's nothing better than taking a fun break! But be careful, a pleasure break means balanced and healthy while remaining delicious! We offer you a s...
Comprendre la durée de vie d'un produit

Understanding the lifespan of a product

DDM , DLC , DLUO... We hear a lot about the shelf life of food products and it is not always very clear... I suggest you better understand these crazy acronyms and present to you the way in whic...
Comment reconnaître un encas sain ?

How to recognize a healthy snack?

Not so easy to recognize a healthy product? Here, I explain to you how to sort out fact from fiction in the “sweet grocery” section to find out which snack is best for your health. We therefore com...
Laits végétaux, lait d'amande, lait de soja, lait de riz


At Nüttree we are a fan of plant-based milks which are made from cereals or oilseeds.⁣ ⁣ They each have their properties and benefits:⁣ ⁣ Soy milk 🌱 is closest to cow's milk (1/2 skimmed), it is r...