Salade végé d'été au quinoa aux Légumes, fruits secs et amandes

Salade végé d'été au quinoa aux Légumes, fruits secs et amandes

Ingrédients : Pour la salade : 200 g de quinoa 1 concombre, coupé en dés 1 poivron rouge, coupé en dés 1 avocat, coupé en dés 1 oignon rouge, finement haché 200 g de tomates cerises, c...
Recette energy-balls enfants

Energy-Balls I Recette Kids - Choco & Banane !

Les energy-balls offrent un super encas pour une personne actives ou sportives, mais elles sont également de très bonnes alternatives aux goûters industriels pour les enfants !  Sans sucres ajouté...
Notre sauce Tahitienne !

Our Tahitian sauce!

The plus of this recipe : Quick to make! x people 10 minutes 7 ingredients Ingredients Olive oil – 1/2 cup ~ 125g Sweet soy sauce - 1...
Nos boulettes fondantes végé !

Our tender veggie meatballs!

The advantages of this recipe : rich in protein and taste 4 people 45 minutes 13 ingredients Ingredients Raw rice - 100g Dried chickpeas ...
Recette Pancakes vegan sans sucres ajoutés

Our delicious Vegan Pancakes recipe, with no added sugar!

The pros of this recipe : these pancakes are 100% vegan and only require 7 ingredients! 4 people 20 minutes 7 ingredients Ingredients Flour - 175 g Cornstarch - 10 g Ba...
Smoothie bowl givré bananes et framboises. La délicieuse recette de Siga avec les energy-balls Nüttree !

Frosted banana and raspberry smoothie bowl. Siga's delicious recipe with Nüttree energy balls!

💪 Do you need a boost of energy after a good workout ? This frosted smoothie bowl is the healthy solution you need! 🍓🍌 1 person 5 minutes 5 ingredients Ingredients Frozen ras...
Infusion detox Gingembre menthe citron Nüttree

Detox Infusion | Ginger - Mint - Lemon

A delicious Detox infusion; Ginger, mint and lemon to do your body good by helping it eliminate toxins... Does that tempt you? ;)
Overnight Porridge | Choco - Banane

Overnight Porridge | Choco - Banana

Chocolate ! It's the first thing that comes to mind for a gourmet break...there's nothing better! Except perhaps the marriage of chocolate with good fruit! Forget the famous spread full of palm ...
Energy Balls | Banane - Cranberry

Energy Balls | Banana - Cranberry

What better time than the one we are currently experiencing to take the time to change our eating habits? What if we switched to healthy, 100% natural snacking... and of course Delicious?! Energ...
Milkshake | Banane-Vanille

Milkshake | Banana-Vanilla

Nothing better than a good little milkshake to treat yourself! For breakfast, snack...
Overnight Porridge I Matcha Fraise

Overnight Porridge | Matcha-Strawberry

At Nüttree, we love matcha...this very special and surprising green tea powder...