Discover the Nüt'Interview with Juliette Trombini, our favorite mountainbike rider!

Hello Juliette, can you introduce yourself in a few words?

Hello, my name is Juliette Trombini, I am 22 years old and I am a passionate cyclist. I like sport in general, but especially in the great outdoors, and in the mountains, that's where I fully recharge my batteries.

I have been competing in mountain biking for over 15 years, but I also train in road cycling, bodybuilding and running.

I am also a third year Staps license student in order to become a teacher-researcher at the university. I need to have this high-level study-sport balance, that’s what nourishes me every day.

In your opinion, what are the values ​​transmitted by your sport (MTB)?

Already respect for nature. Mountain biking is practiced in the forest or in places that are often very beautiful. As a mountain biker, we must protect and respect the fauna and flora. Then, I would say sharing because it's even more pleasant to share a great outing, a coffee ride, when you are accompanied. There is a real cycling community and I find it cool to be able to get together and share the same passion. Finally, I would say surpassing oneself and passion, the two are for me necessarily linked to be able to reach the highest level of performance .

What moment marked you the most in sport?

Without a doubt my first U23 World Cup in Albstadt (in Germany) where I started last row and managed to get back into the top 10, it was really a pleasant surprise. I had no pressure and I had a lot of fun going up place by place and finally putting in a performance that I would never have imagined before starting. I qualified for the European and World Championships thanks to this performance, unfortunately I couldn't go because I fractured my little finger in the meantime.

What qualities do you need to have to be a good MTB rider?

Already have good physical and technical qualities and good psychological resources

Modesty because the level is higher and higher, everyone progresses from season to season and nothing is ever taken for granted. Also a lot of perseverance in training, especially in winter at home, you really have to be motivated to go and ride in the mud at -10°.

And then sometimes, a little bit of madness

Tell us what is

Your next sporting challenge?

Next year I will do another MTB season in the French Cup but also a few World Cups. However, I really need new things and new challenges. I would like to prepare for an ultra trail. I love running and I often feel “constrained” not to be able to do it during the mountain biking season. Next year it will be different, I want to be freer in my choice of races and to do what I want, but always with the aim of performance.


How and how often do you consume Nüttree energy balls?

I consume it on every bike ride that lasts more than 1h30. When I ride for 2-3 hours, I eat at least 4 at different times during the ride. Also on trail before the start or at the finish of my race. I really like the ball format, it's practical to take, the portion is not too large but enough to have a good dose of energy and avoid hypoglycemia. I also find this format very recreational,)

I really like taking the Energy Balls as a "snack", already because they are vegan, organic, made with natural products, without artifice and above all very good. That's exactly how I see my diet at the moment. daily, I therefore want to find these values ​​in my nutrition during sport.

What is your favorite flavor ? I like all the flavors, they are all different but I admit I have a weakness for peanut-cranberry, their taste is truly delicious!