Infusion detox Gingembre menthe citron Nüttree

Detox Infusion | Ginger - Mint - Lemon

A delicious Detox infusion; Ginger, mint and lemon to do your body good by helping it eliminate toxins... Does that tempt you? ;)

I have the impression that the period is particularly conducive to aperitifs, right? Oh ! A good aperitif... face to face or by video, it's so nice... and we need it!

But who says more aperitifs, says more alcohol and more products, fatty or very salty…

This is why I really wanted to go into “sanitization” mode at the end of the week. I made myself a good pot of detox infusion with ingredients that I'm crazy about: ginger, lemon & mint!

A delight!! If you have children and you want to give them a taste, don't hesitate, you will simply have to be lighter in terms of the dosage of ginger and perhaps add a little more sugar...

I enjoyed it hot this time, but with the nice weather coming, next time I'll make an iced version ;p

 Come on, there's more to it!!

DETOX INFUSION | Ginger - Mint - Lemon

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Infusion time: a good 5 minutes
Servings: 4 cups or 2 large glasses

Ingredients :

  • 3 limes
  • 1 dozen fresh mint leaves
  • 3 to 4 cm of fresh ginger
  • agave syrup or maple syrup

Preparation :

  1. Squeeze the limes and pour the juice into a teapot.
  2. Cut the ginger into small pieces, chop the mint then add everything to the teapot.
  3. Pour 750 ml of boiling water then let it infuse for a good 5 minutes.
  4. Sweeten with agave or maple syrup, according to your taste (1 to 3 tbsp)

Nüt'tips: The sunny days are coming, you can also drink the very cold infusion, accompanied by ice cubes! ;)


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