Infusion detox Gingembre menthe citron Nüttree

Detox Infusion | Ginger - Mint - Lemon

A delicious Detox infusion; Ginger, mint and lemon to do your body good by helping it eliminate toxins... Does that tempt you? ;)
Overnight Porridge | Choco - Banane
petit déjeuner

Overnight Porridge | Choco - Banana

Chocolate ! It's the first thing that comes to mind for a gourmet break...there's nothing better! Except perhaps the marriage of chocolate with good fruit! Forget the famous spread full of palm ...
Energy Balls | Banane - Cranberry

Energy Balls | Banana - Cranberry

What better time than the one we are currently experiencing to take the time to change our eating habits? What if we switched to healthy, 100% natural snacking... and of course Delicious?! Energ...
Milkshake | Banane-Vanille

Milkshake | Banana-Vanilla

Nothing better than a good little milkshake to treat yourself! For breakfast, snack...
Overnight Porridge I Matcha Fraise
petit déjeuner

Overnight Porridge | Matcha-Strawberry

At Nüttree, we love matcha...this very special and surprising green tea powder...